Friday, June 4, 2010


Well, the frozen yogurt place doesn't have THAT many exclamation points behind the name, but I got excited. Further up the street from Juliette & Chocolat, you'll find "Yeh!", a place that sells frozen yogurt and toppings BY WEIGHT! Exciting, right? That means for all you toppings lovers out there, you can get the tiny-est blob of frozen yogurt and TONS and TONS of toppings to go with it.

Here's how it works:

You start at the back, where you have 8 different frozen yogurt flavours to choose from (When I was there I got to taste test the flavours)

You take a cup and fill it with whichever flavours and however much frozen yogourt you desire

Then you move to the toppings bar where you'll find toppings varying from fresh fruits to chopped up chocolate bars to granola to dark chocolate sauce that hardens. It's a world of possibilities.

ET VOILA: the finished product

Mine's the one on the right (a slightly more healthy alternative to my friend's topping choices on the left). But it's a pretty decent sized dessert and I paid around $5 for mine. I would toooootally go back there, except next time I'd probably keep it simple (plain yogurt, strawberries, and chocolate glaze perhaps). I got a little excited my first time there and put 4 different frozen yogurt flavours and toppings of all sorts. Needless to say, the taste of the toppings pretty much masked any frozen yogurt flavours i had chosen, and I had so many toppings that some didn't complement each other so well. But now I know!

And for all those out there who don't know "frozen yogurt" as "fro-yo" yet, here's some new slang for you! Next time you are in the mood for frozen yogurt, you'll know to suggest to your friends "let's get some fro-yo at yeh!!!!!!!"

FRO YO and toppings,

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